Instructions for Speakers
- screen (ratio 16:9)
- presenting PC
- presenter (remote control)
All session halls are equipped with standard PowerPoint presentation facilities.
Please submit your presentation to the prepared computer in the meeting room at least 15 minutes before the beginning of your session.
If your presentation is scheduled for a morning session, please arrive 30 minutes early.
All speakers are kindly requested to use the provided PC on-site.
A technician will be available in case of any problems.
Please use Microsoft PowerPoint* (*.ppt) or (*pptx) or Adobe Acrobat Reader (.pdf) to guarantee that they will open successfully on an on-site PC.
We recommend you save your PowerPoint presentation using PPT(X).
Please note that we cannot guarantee the quality of MacIntosh-based presentations. Please check their Windows compatibility in advance (2 hours before your session starts).
Please prepare your presentation in 16:9 format (screens are in 16:9 aspect).
Generally, the MPEG-1 and AVI formats should work without difficulties. Videos embedded into MS PowerPoint 2010 and higher versions are embedded into the presentations. If you have any videos in your presentation, please test it with the on-site PC several hours before your presentation.
Please save your presentation in one of the following discs or medium:
- External portable hard drive
- USB flash disc
Save all files associated with your presentation (PowerPoint file, movie/ video files, etc.) to one folder/location.
If you are presenting more than one presentation during the event, save each one to a separate folder and name it clearly with the presentation code to avoid on-site misunderstandings and problems.
Always make a backup copy of your presentation and save it on a different portable disc or medium than the original presentation
Your own notebook will not be allowed to be used for presentation unless exceptionally scheduled.
All presentations will be deleted from all the PCs used during the event.
We kindly ask all the speakers to keep the time of their presentations.